
Jean-François Gratton
Photographer, cinematographer, director and associate, pioneer, quiet force, recognized for his sensitivity, his generosity, his thoroughness, his vision, his light, his colors, his simplicity and consistency. He loves winter, he's compulsive buyer of photographic material and he is also forest producer. Mentor to the Shoot family, he would not change his team, even for some long nights in the darkroom listening to The Cure. He's a founder and member of the workers of the image since 1986.

Pierre Manning
Photographer, director of photography and associate, Pierre is known for his portraits, his lighting, his effectiveness, his organization, his speed and sense of humor. A Swiss army knife of the studio, he maintains the morale of the troops, does not keep his tongue in his pocket and sing the old hits. He would not change the gang, the cyclo, the terrace, his parking spot and team meetings. He is a founder and member of the workers of the image since 1989.

Martin Girard
Photographer, director of photography and associate, Martin is recognized for his edits, his hyper-realistic collages, his efficiency, his ease with the teams, his solutions, his versatility and his perfectionism. He has a talent for impressions, likes Pad thai, always has a story to tell and could go to the Olympics in the brainstorming category. He would not change the spirit of camaraderie, the workspace, exotic travel and assignments made for the studio. He is a founder and member of the workers of the image since 1998.

Jean-François Lemire
Photographer, cinematographer, visual storyteller, Jean-François is known for his stagings, its perpetual search for truth and his talent to relax the atmosphere. He always promotes a natural approach and likes to go out in the field. Quiet, authentic, direct, Jean-François don't like Fireworks. He would not change the climate of sharing ideas and knowledge of the studio. He is a member of the workers of the image since 2003.

Hans Laurendeau
Photographer, cinematographer, known for his ability to capture the natural, his availability, his honesty, his rapid-fire work, and his understanding of the needs. Unable to refuse a Pad thai to Martin, he is discreet and observant, but when it comes to froth milk, he commands respect. He would not change the sense of belonging to the family, the open-mindedness and the workspace of the studio. He is a member of the workers of the image since 2005.

Matt Charland
Director, cameraman, editor, Matt masters like no other all stages of video creation. Reliable, efficient, working with passion and in record time. Flexible, chameleon, he gathers the energies around his creative process which is authentic, sensitive and diverse. Intuition, mood, music and movement are at the heart of his work. He wouldn't give the respect, the openness, the spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance that exists within the team. He is a member of the workers of the image since 2015.

Lucas Harrison Rupnik
Director, cameraman, editor, sound engineer and mixer,recognized for his versatility, his autonomy, his openness and his clear and bold vision. Son of a photographer from a varied background, he likes challenges and is an enthusiast of music, cinema and the sea. He has a recording studio, learns quickly and is not afraid of the most complex software and equipment. Lucas love road trips, he never get tired of watching the movie 'JAWS', he wakes up without an alarm and loves natural imperfections. He wouldn't change for the world the attention to detail, team spirit and magic that takes place in the studio. He is a member of the workers of the image since 2016.

Pierre-Nicolas Lessard
Photographe autodidacte depuis 2008 et auparavant directeur artistique d’expérience, Pierre-Nic est aussi versatile en lumière studio qu’en lumière naturelle. Cherchant toujours à ne pas répéter ce qui a déjà été fait, son regard différent sur la photo et sa créativité le pousse à faire des images qui ont de l’impact et un caractère distinctif et intime. Ses années comme entrepreneur dans sa propre compagnie, lui permettent de parfaitement comprendre les besoins de ses clients et ainsi arrimer créativité, résultats et efficacité. Il est reconnu pour sa résolution de problèmes de dernières minutes et son calme marqué lors de décisions importantes. Sa façon méticuleuse de travailler et sa passion pour la photo l’on amené à collaborer entre autres avec Cossette, Production OKOK, Nova Film, LG2, Womance, Surmesur, ReThink, Radio-Canada, Québec Cité, BRP, Roméo & Fils, Télé-Québec, Le Devoir, Hooké, Desjardins, Sid-Lee. Il est également récipiendaire de son premier prix Applied Arts en 2021 ainsi que deux London International Awards et deux Idéa en 2024.

Vladim Vilain
Vladim Vilain est né en Haïti, où il a passé la majeure partie de son enfance avant de s'installer au Canada à la suite du tremblement de terre. Actuellement basé à Montréal, ses projets d'arts visuels explorent les questions d'identité et de culture à travers la lentille de l'afro-surréalisme.

Zach Phan
Zach Phan est un photographe basé à Montréal, Canada dont l'histoire personnelle a profondément influencé son parcours artistique. Né et élevé dans une famille vietnamienne modeste et conservatrice. Introverti de nature, Zach a commencé la photographie dans sa jeunesse comme moyen d'exprimer confortablement ses émotions et ses idées. La photographie est devenue un moyen de documenter sa jeunesse et de la prolonger à travers son travail.
Bien que son chemin l'ait d'abord conduit à des études en administration des affaires et à une carrière en marketing numérique, sa soif de créativité ne s'est jamais éteinte. En dehors de ses heures de travail, Zach a consacré son temps à perfectionner ses compétences en photographie, cherchant constamment à repousser les limites de son art. Il est aujourd’hui fier de clamer que sa passion est devenue son métier.
Il puise son inspiration dans ses rêves personnels, les images en mouvement, le surréalisme et la composition. Sa démarche vise à établir une relation durable entre l'art, le commerce et la société.
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